War College & Origins University
Hosted by the national security decision-making game
Our Seminar track is designed to promote thoughtful viewpoints and civil discourse on historical and contemporary gaming topics. We hope you will enjoy our presentations from both professional and talented amateur "relative" experts. Our goal is to provide thoughtful and entertaining options for your consideration.
Special Note: Unless otherwise stated, the views expressed in these events are those of the participants, not their employers or the event organizers.
Where Today’s Scenarios may be Tomorrow’s Headlines
The National Security Decision Making Game (NSDMG) is an intense face-to-face immersive multiplayer seminar role-playing game. Players represent large social, industrial, political and military groups in real-world nations experiencing major domestic and international challenges where their interactions/negotiations with others drive world-changing events.
The in-depth knowledge of the staff regarding military, political, economic and social aspects of world events allow for believable and exciting play. In these games, player decisions make a difference -- no outcome is inevitable.
NSDMG provides a synthetic learning experience where participants can gain insights into the basics of international relations AND experience some aspects of the governance, culture and circumstances impacting how other nations work.
You can't buy NSDMG in a box - it is a face-to-face event and each instance is a unique experience.
Here’s the game: “You players are politicians. You over there, you’re the Cabinet. You folks in the corner are the military leadership. Here’s your country; you’ve heard of it, it’s real and so are its challenges. Here are the real issues. Here are some big, looming problems. Fix them. Start now.”
“And oh, by the way... you all have different agendas. Good luck with that.”
NSDMG is a challenging simulation of strategy and geopolitics providing insight into cultures, political processes, geopolitical situations and challenges of nations around the world. It is modeled after simulations used by senior U.S. Government officials to explore geopolitical options. NSDM originated at the U.S. Naval War College and has been presented at a variety of venues including universities, government installations and hobby conventions.
NSDM is part seminar game and part live action role playing. Each player occupies a role in which he or she can affect the formulation of national policy in their country. Players receive instruction from an international control staff that includes former game directors from the War Colleges, personnel with experience in Departments of Defense, State and Energy, and subject matter experts from private industry and academia. We can simulate over 23 nations, each with unique political, economic and security issues. Every game offers an interesting experience as well as an opportunity to experience the world from the perspective of another political system and culture. No two games are alike.
The NSDM team will also be supporting the Origins War College with lectures, seminars and panels on contemporary and historical topics. Check the Origins War College schedule for details.
NSDMG Experiences:
Contemporary Games: Domestic/International tension between one or more among 23 nations (12-100 players)
Cold War Games (early 1960s): Domestic/International tension between nations in one or more among 7 nations (12-100 players)
Cuban Missile Crisis: Tightly focused on the critical days of tension with historical/variable events for players representing key grouops within the USA, USSR and Cuba (7-36 players)
Futurist/Science Fiction versions of our Contemporary and Cold War games: Explore alternative history and new challenges.
Experimental Games: Crisis of the Union 1860, Road to WWI, National Security Council Crisis Matrix game, and Doomsday mega-game
Seminars covering topics such as professional wargaming, understanding the news, terrorism, drones, submarine warfare, EMP, pandemics, WWI, WWII and World Hotspots Overview.
NSDMG is a non-profit, volunteer organization devoted to expanding understanding of how the world really works. Our team includes specialists in finance, international/military affairs, information technology and wargaming to provide challenges modeled on the real world.
NSDMG becane in 1990 when Navy War College instructors were asked by Origins Game Fair and DragonCon to show the public how the Department of Defense conducts wargames.
It has conducted over 500 events at universities, military venues and hobby conventions. Most games are designed to run in four hours.