Product Exclusivity Listings

Rules for all Exhibitors: 

  • We are all professionals and are expected to conduct ourselves as such. If a company has requested some level of exclusivity then you are required to comply with their request. Please do not bring their product or sell it for less than the MSRP. You are responsible for checking the Origins website if you are bringing product other than your own to sell.   

  • Manufacturers requesting some level of exclusivity are responsible for monitoring the Exhibit Hall for compliance. If an exhibitor is not in compliance then the Origins Staff will assist you in enforcing the exclusivity rules. 

  • The first violation of the Exclusivity Policy will result in a warning. A second violation will result in the removal of that exhibitor from both the Exhibit Hall and Origins Game Fair. The violating exhibitor will forfeit any refund for their Exhibit Hall space.

  • Failure to follow the above rules may lead to removal from the Origins Game Fair.

Level 1 - Complete Exclusivity: The manufacturer is an exhibitor at Origins and desires to be the only place for the purchase of their product in the Exhibitors Hall. No other exhibitor may display or sell their product at Origins.
Crystal Caste
Decision Games
Inside Up Games
Tea Punk Teas
Nimue Innovation Studios
Bezier Games
Evil Genius Games
Capstone Games
Envy Born Games
Pet Domination
Grand Gamers Guild
Mayday Games
Smirk & Dagger Games
Gamer Girl Jewelry
Level 2 - Delegated Exclusivity:The manufacturer is not an exhibitor at Origins but has delegated their exclusivity to one or more specific exhibitors and desires them to be the only place for the purchase of their product in the Exhibitors Hall. No other exhibitor may display or sell their product at Origins.
GMT Games
GTM Delegated Exhibitors: Enterprise Games
Level 3 - MSRP Exclusivity: The manufacturer is an exhibitor at Origins but will allow the sale of their products by other exhibitors as long as it is sold at the Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price (MSRP).
Goodman Games
Level 4 – No Exclusivity: The manufacturer is an exhibitor at Origins and desires to let any exhibitor display or sell their product at Origins without any restrictions.